Hi! My name is Sophie and I'm very interested in getting involved with the STPI... This page will hopefully show that I know how to print, but more importantly, why I print!
I first fell in love with print through silkscreening. Mostly, because it's fun! And I love being able to represent things that are significant to me (like here, the foods and candies that I grew up with as a Chinese-Canadian) with a striking and shareable visual language.
Although it's not my medium of choice, I am very comfortable with copper etching and aquatint...
... And I'm still learning a thing or two about litho, but I'd love the opportunity to explore more of this medium!
I'm a huge geek for letterpress (here is my most recent printmaking project, it is letterpress on rice paper on a CMYK screenprint, and the poem is Poster by Souvankham Thammavongsa). Letterpress embodies the appeal of contemporary printmaking to me: slowing down to share our ideas in a new way.
I studied printmaking alongside a double major in mathematics and the humanities, so my printmaking portfolio isn't as extensive as I'd like it to be.

But I know that if given the opportunity, I would step up to be as helpful an assistant printer as could be expected! And across all my interests, I am a hard worker who loves sharing the things they love to work with, and I have a lot of experience with:
- Community organizing and education
- Working patiently and fervently
- Being a good source of energy in a team

I know this is a bit of an unusual proposition, but I have a feeling that we could work on some really meaningful projects together. Or at the very least, have a nice conversation? And again, I'd be more than happy to help out as an assistant printmaker in the studio if you think I could be a good fit:) My email is if you'd like to talk more!
